Pursuit of quality and a custom tailored solution are what most set us apart.

At VestServe, as our name implies, we serve our clients…from the day you become a new client going forward we strive to provide the best support possible. Every investment manager has unique needs with different procedures and requirements. Often, we have to work hard to make IMS fit the customer rather than forcing the customer to fit IMS…even if it means enhancements to our software. That level of effort to ensure a satisfied customer is unusual and it is a big differentiator in delivery philosophy

Implementation Services

VestServe is committed to ensuring 100% of our customers are references.  As stated in our Service mission, we do whatever it takes to meet all the client’s stated requirements.  If we find that the best way to fulfill a requirement is to provide an enhancement then we do it and we deliver it before the go-live date.

Delivery Methodology – VestServe uses an installation methodology that includes client meetings; full requirements validation; detailed, customer-specific project plans; hardware planning; and acceptance testing. Each client is viewed as a business partner, and we believe the foundation of any relationship begins with an efficient and thorough installation process that is completed in the best possible time frame.

Pre-Installation Meeting – At a pre-installation meeting, operational and technical personnel are briefed on IMS. At this meeting the VestServe project manager reviews the site and discusses the implementation process. A mutual understanding of project goals and an installation timetable is achieved. Test and acceptance plans are determined.

Systems Requirements Validation – A detailed systems-requirements validation is performed utilizing client specifications. This review details and defines all functional requirements from which the parameterization of IMS is established prior to delivery. It also includes questions about daily processing, communication specifications for data feeds, host file-transmission requirements, and data reconciliation.

Development of a Project Plan – A detailed project plan and work breakdown is developed with each client. This contains the elements required to implement IMS in your specific environment, and serves as the basis upon which IMS is delivered.

Delivery – The VestServe Implementation Consulting Staff work closely with each customer team.  VestServe takes on all the data conversion, reconciliation, configuration and custom report creation in accordance with customer specifications.  Once a database is created customer staff are trained, a parallel period takes place and the system is turned over to the customer as of the go-live date.  However, the VestServe staff continues working with the account until any and all issues are resolved.

Ongoing Support

Our support team includes experienced representatives made up of accountants, CPAs, and technical specialists. Most issues are resolved over the telephone, through our remote support facilities, or by remote connection. Onsite support is also provided, if necessary.  Customers call into an 800 number which is answered live from 7:30-5:30EST MondayFriday.  During off hours calls are routed to a specialist for immediate callback.

VestServe approaches every client as a business partner. Once installation is completed, we assign an executive representative to maintain the relationship.  To maintain continuity and ensure xxxx we assign this role to one of the individuals who delivered the implementation.  Calls are routed to that person during office hours. This representative meets with clients at least twice annually, more frequently depending upon activity within the account. We also offer ongoing, day-to-day support.

Support Calls are logged into the VestServe Support System and are tracked until resolution. In addition, IMS has built-in tools that users can use to quickly report issues to our support team.